Thursday, September 8, 2011


Poppets- by Lady SilverVixen

Poppets have been used throughout the ages since mankind learned to sew. Poppets are small dolls that take on the resemblence of an individual, whether it be yourself or someone else. They serve multiple purposes as well, from protection to healing, and revenge to love. Poppet magic is especially effective because of the psychological effect it can have on the person the doll represents. Dolls can be made of Cloth, Clay, Roots, Woods, or even in a pinch, paper.

Poppets come in a range in sizes as well as designs. Below is just one of many patterns one can choose from when making a poppet. (remember when using a pattern like the one provided, you have to trace out 2 copies of the doll on fabric so you have the front and back of the doll.)

Now of course there is more to making a poppet than just some general tracing on fabric, stitching it together and then stuffing it with cotton. Some other alternatives you can do are: stuff the poppet with herbs, annoint the poppet with oils, or add hair and clothes (or you can do all of these depending on the purpose and intent behind the doll). You can also place tags in/on the doll as well. A Tag is an object that either belongs to the individual, or something that creates a connection to the individual. These can add extra energy to your poppet magic.

Now that your poppet is all made and stitched together, the fun begins. You now have to name your poppet. The name can be a nick name you have for the person, or the persons actual name. The more personalized the doll the better.

Once the poppet has it's name it's time to bring it to life.

You can mark out a cross or a pentacle (depending on your religious beliefs any symbol that means life to you), in the air with your dominant hand over the poppet.

(Poppet's name) You are,
And (poppet's name) to me,

Now point at the head and heart of the poppet and with strong conviction say:

"You will always and ever be"

Now hold the poppet in your hands, resting it on your non-dominant hand.

Say: "Creature of the elements, I give to you life from that which you are made of. Your purpose of creation is ___ (state your purpose)___. For this reason you were made, and only when I, your creator, feel you are no longer need, I will return you to the elements from which you came. So I have said, So I will it to be so"

IMPORTANT!!! Take really good care of your poppet when not in use. The last thing you want is to accidentally drop it and break it, or set fire to it etc. Wrap it in white cloth and keep it somewhere safe. To dispose of a poppet, dig a deep hole and bury it. Be sure to sever the magickal link between the poppet and the person before disposing of.
This information was shared in the good faith that no reader will use this to bring harm to another.

Remember that you can use herbs, oils, moon phases and even extra spells you write yourself to add extra boosts to your poppet. Take care of your poppet and enjoy the fun of poppet making.

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