Friday, June 3, 2011


As the title says, this blog post is about humor. We as witches can find it hard sometimes to laugh at some of the jokes that are told, mostly those that are derogatory in nature (which is understandable). Sometimes though we need to take a moment, and remember that we as any other are still only human, including those who may ridicule us for what we do. As is says in the Charge of the Goddess " Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals." 

Laughter can bring around much pleasure, and the next time people are ridiculing you, think about what they are saying, and think about what it may look like from their perspective.

For example: If someone says something about your cloak, or how silly is appears when you perform a spell or ritual. Step back and think about it. We the practitioners know it's a serious matter, and it shouldn't be taken lightly, but just think about how it looks to others. Standing around a lit candle and wiggling your wand at it and saying an incantation you wrote. It seems a little silly from the outside looking in, so when they start saying things about it, laugh. Remember "All acts of Love and Pleasure are My Rituals". 

Laughter heals, and it can hurt. Just remember to take a step back every so often and get yourself a good laugh. Sometimes it's better to laugh at yourself, and things around you than it is to get angry and cause harm to yourself or others. Be Safe out there, and remember to rejoice in the Name of the Goddess.

I'll be taking requests for topics as well, just leave a comment.

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