Thursday, February 27, 2014

Enchanted Petals

So I spent several hours at a friend's Floral shop this past Tuesday and have an appointment booked for next Tuesday. Below you'll find pictures of the store, some of the products, arrangements, and make sure to check them out on facebook. Give em a like and share!
There are classes too for those interested!

Stop by on Monday's and Tuesdays for:
Monday's - Massage Monday!
Tuesday's - Tarot Tuesday!

Monday, February 17, 2014

New youtube Mini-series - Ask Vixen

The latest videos I've been working on. They are now live. There will be an episode 4 coming soon too. Keep an eye out on Youtube ^_^

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Astral Temple Creation

Creating an Astral Temple

First of all, what is an Astral Temple and what is its use?
Firstly, the name really is misleading, because it’s not really on the astral plane but in your mind. You are your own temple. However, due to the very nature of the Astral Plane, you can create your temple there once you’ve created it in your mind.  Like anything in the realm of mind or astral, this requires constant maintenance.  So maintain your Astral Temple at least once a month at a minimum.

So what is the purpose of this temple? Well, it can be used for anything you need it for. Whether it’s for ritual, just a quiet place to get away to, spells, talking with other entities in a safe location (such as spirits).  Whatever you desire to use your temple for is up to you.

Creating your temple
Start by drawing out a rough idea or writing out a general list of attributes you’d like your temple to have. Does it have walls or is it a labyrinth? Do you want it to be a sacred meadow surrounded by high stone walls or a small cottage? These are all things you need to consider.

Next, think about the materials that you would need. Do you want it made from stone, brick and mortar, a thatch style, the elements, etc…?

Now think of a key style you want to use. This is not to be told to anyone, otherwise you will have to rethink it and remake your lock for your temple.

This is the fun part. Visualize all of this. Start by visualizing your area. Whether it’s in a meadow, in a bog, whatever. Start building your temple “brick by brick”. You want to make sure your foundation is out first so that you can build upon it, this is no different than your time in your path. You need to lay your foundation and build upon it.

The next thing you need to do once your entire temple is built up, is go through it. Walk through the door of your temple, and make adjustments as you go. You can now create your altar, add carpeting to the floor (if you have one), whatever it is you desire.

Remember that you can come back to this place just by thinking about it. It will change as you change and as you want it to change.  You can invite your friends, or create thought forms here.  It really is a free for all on your part.

A few things to remember: Meditation is key for concentration so your temple is not a ghetto, unless that is how you designed it to be. It’s important to keep it clean and free of clutter. Be focuses on what you want, and creativity is important because your temple IS YOU.

A Clean Aura is a good idea, as well as cleansed and balanced chakras, but you can also do that in your temple. ( I personally have a special place in mine for healing and cleansing, this is a personal option that you can choose.)

Astral Projection Methods

Astral Projection Methods

There are numerous methods out there that can be tried. Finding the right one for you is real trick. I suggest and have found this useful: think about what you like to do. Do you like to mountain climb? Try the Monroe/Rope Technique, as the natural sensation of being tethered is present. Do you like music or rhythms? Try binaural beats, or classical music. Using nature sounds, or drumming music is also helpful. Are you a creative individual who day dreams? Try creative visualizations or guided meditations to help you out.
Below are a few techniques that I have personally used, and some of my students in the past have used and found useful. Remember that these are meant to be serious techniques, and  although astral travel and projection can be fun, should be taken seriously.

One of the most common methods is the Rope Technique also known as the Monroe Technique.
11.)    Do a thorough relaxation, until you feel completely settled.
22.)    Reach out with your “imaginary” hands and pull yourself in a hand over hand motion on the rope that hangs above you. Try visualizing the feeling of the rope as being coarse, strong and thick as you pull yourself up.
Do not try to visualize the rope, this creates added distraction, and it can hinder your progress. You want to try to imagine that you are reaching for this rope in the dark so that you can’t see it.
A few things you may experience while doing this method: You will feel a slight dizzy sensation inside your body. The dizzy feeling and any feelings of pressure or vertigo is cause by your mental action of pulling on the rope, so sometimes taking a short breather or flat out ignoring the sensations is the best way to go.
33.)    Keep climbing, hand over hand, and you will eventually feel a heavy sensation come over you. This is normal, but ignore it and keep climbing.
44.)    As you continue to climb, you may experience your chakras opening, this is normal so don’t stop climbing.
55.)    You may feel vibrations start, a feeling of being paralyzed, etc… Just remain single minded and keep climbing.
66.)    Next you will start to feel yourself slowly coming free. Some people will feel a strong buzzing, others will feel extreme cold or heat.  You will eventually exit your body in the direction you have been pulling.
Note: Do not break concentration, otherwise you will have to start all over again.

The Lift/Roll out Technique:
This is literally as it sounds
11.)    Relax
22.)    Visualize floating out of your body
33.)    Once you feel you are floating, roll to the side
Rolling out
1.)    Relax
2.)    Feel yourself slowly rocking back and forth (slowly at first and gradually build up momentum)
3.)    You will eventually hit the critical point and roll right out.
What is critical here and in the previous method is that you physically do not move.
Stand Up
1.)    Relax yourself
2.)    Reach your high vibration where you feel like you are going to float
3.)    Stand up
Hammock Technique
1.)    Relax yourself and visualize your physical body as the hammock
2.)    Slowly see yourself swinging rhythmically back and forth, back and forth
3.)    As you swing build up momentum
4.)    When you reach your peak, swing one last time and swing your spiritual self out of your physical body.

Experiment and play around with it, find what works for you. Have fun and enjoy your spiritual journey!  

Introduction to Astral Projection

Astral Projection Basics

So what is Astral Projection? Many people define it as casting ones spirit out into a realm of spirit and thought, known as the Astral Plane.  What a lot of them forget to explain is that there are 3 planes, the physical plane, which is where we are now, the Etheric plane a realm of total spirit & the physical; and is parallel to our plane, and of course then comes the astral which is spirit and thought.

What can you do in the astral plane? Anything you want within reason. It’s a realm of thought and spirit so you can create your most deepest desires here to either release them to the universe later, or to play out a fantasy to see how the most ideal paths would be. You can create buildings, forests, meadows, etc.. all with a thought.

What’s the point? Well, that’s up to you really. I find going there to be a huge stress relief, to do rituals when in a cramped time frame, and to light healing candles and send energy to those in need. My astral temple is tended to regularly so it is well maintained and a link for me to return to a safe an comfortable location every time I go to the astral realm.

Astral temple? An astral temple is a building or specific location in the astral realm that you create based on what you feel would be most comfortable to you. When you create your astral temple you will not only create it to your liking, but you will create a lock for it as well that only you can open. This does require maintenance, so make sure you check on it every once in a while (I recommend about once a month at a minimum).

Is it dangerous? Not in a physical sense, no. Your body creates a barrier all on its own, so possession isn’t a problem (this is a very common question).  You can’t “wander too far away from your body” either (this comes up in the movie insidious, which is more Etheric projection which is another topic all together, and no you can’t wander too far). You have a “silver cord” that connects your spiritual self to your physical body.  This cord does not break, and cannot be cut, it will stretch and bend and be with you everywhere you go in the astral realm (it does the same in the Etheric realm but again another topic).

You can be harmed in the astral realm on a spiritual level however, usually by astral “nasties” which are lower level energies that are drawn to your personal white light within. These are usually not uniform in appearance, meaning simple they have no one form to identify them by. They are similar to grayish blobs, but they will take on appearances that will terrify you, and scare you.  So how do you defend yourself against these things? There are a few methods you can use, you can stand up against them, remembering this is a realm of thought, you can manifest anything at any time to defend yourself. You can also think of your body and return, which is the quickest way to get out, or think of your astral temple, these things can’t get in there, so you’re safe there as well.

I can’t AP, what am I doing wrong? There’s a lot of different things that could be leading to this issue. One, you are being impatient, astral projection is difficult to learn for many and requires a lot of practice and trial and error of different methods. Another reason you could be having difficulties is a muddy aura or improperly aligned and cleansed chakras. Make sure you are doing daily cleansings and alignments, and if not daily, at least weekly. I am a very busy person and I align and cleanse at least once a week if not more. There is no excuse as to why this cannot be done, it takes about 5-10 minutes when you learn a specific method that works for you. Another reason is that you may not be cut out for astral travel, instead you may want to look into alternatives, such as remote viewing, or “riding along” with animals.

There are so many techniques, which one is right for me? Remember that part about trial and error I mentioned before? That’s your answer. Try different ones, from guided meditations to visualization. Stay away from the lucid dreaming though, starting out there will usually slow your progress with astral projection because you have to relearn the difference between dreaming and the astral plane through your own sense of which is which. People astral project every night in their sleep, but due to the change in consciousness many times it will be hard to remember, if you can remember the experience at all. This is another technique though that many will use.

How long does it take to learn? To learn it takes as long as it takes to read a method. How long it takes to actually do it is another story. Some people get it after a few tries, others will take longer because not every method will work for them. Take for example myself; it took me 6 months to actually accomplish multiple successful astral projections and another 6 months to perfect my technique and to be able to do it at will. Each person is different and will take a variance in time to master this.
I keep falling asleep while doing this, what am I doing wrong? Nothing, this is completely normal. If you are really worried about it then learn to meditate for longer periods of time. The main goal for a successful projection is to do this and remain awake.
I’m having odd sensations and hearing weird sounds and they frighten me, what do I do? There are a few things that you can do in this situation; one is “get over” the fear, face it head on. You can also call on your spirit guide to help you and protect you if that is the issue. Another solution is to use a protective symbol that brings you peace or cast a circle around your bed. Some people will create a crystal barrier or vortex around themselves as well. Do what feels comfortable to you.
Most importantly: Remember to relax, be patient and have fun with it. It does take time but with practice you can accomplish it.